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We are Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli environmentalists
working together to protect our water — and our future.

the Implications of climate change in the Middle East are catastophic

Conflict in the region is a threatening situation made even more desperate by the climate crisis, inflaming extremism and instability in the most water-scarce region on the planet.

We Believe In The Power Of Cooperation To Solve The World’s Biggest Problems​

EcoPeace’s Green Blue Deal is a bold initiative to advance climate security in the Middle East through cooperation. By working together, a coalition of the willing is building a framework for peace.

其次,查询澳洲幸运5的开奖号码也是观众常做的事情之一。在每一期开奖后,观众都会迫切地想知道当期的中奖号码,以确认自己是否中奖。因此,有多种途径可以查询到最新的开奖结果,包括官方网站、销售点、手机App等。观众可以根据自己的喜好和方便程度选择合适的查询方式。The Green Blue Deal For The Middle East
Urges Action In 4 Key Areas​

On Sunday 27 March, United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkin, announced that EcoPeace is…